Friday, January 4, 2013

Battle of Shiloh Civil War

Historians have expanded on the veteran’s
remembrances and continue to argue the importance
 of the Hornet’s Nest. Almost all the
major monographs on the battle, as well as
media presentations such as Shiloh: Portrait of a
Battle, focus on the action that took place in the
center of the battlefield. These works even
portray the action in the area as a series of 
Confederate attacks across the open Duncan farmland. 
When these attacks failed, they argue, the
Confederates had to assemble the largest
concentration of artillery ever to appear on
the North American continent. In portraying
the Hornet’s Nest as the savior of Grant’s

There is perhaps no more famous Civil War
icon than the Hornet’s Nest at Shiloh. Ranking
with Pickett’s Charge at Gettysburg, Bloody
Lane at Antietam, and the Stone Wall at
Fredericksburg, Shiloh’s Hornet’s Nest is well
known to even the most amateur of Civil War
Shiloh’s Hornet’s Nest lies in the center of the
battlefield and was the scene of heavy combat
on both days of the battle. On the first day,
elements of three Union divisions manned the
line along a little-used farm road that ran
through the J.R. Duncan land. Duncan and his
family worked a small cotton field that bordered
the road to the south. With its open fields of fire
and road cover, there is little wonder that the
Duncan plot became one of the most important
localities on the battlefield.
Heavy fighting raged in the area of the Hornet’s
Nest on the first day, with no less that eight
distinct Confederate attacks turned back by the
determined defenders of the Sunken Road.
Attesting to the fury in the area, Confederates so
named the location because, they said, the
enemy’s bullets  sounded like swarms of angry
The number of dead and wounded in the area
shows that the Hornet’s Nest did not see the
heaviest fighting at Shiloh. An 1867 document
produced by laborers locating bodies on the
battlefield states that the heaviest concentrations
of dead lay on the eastern and western sectors of
the battlefield and that the dead were fairly light
in the center, where the Hornet’s Nest was located. 
That in itself states that casualties were
fewer in the center where, according to myth,
the heaviest and most important fighting took
place. Supporting this point are casualty figures
for the units engaged in the Hornet’s Nest.
Colonel James M. Tuttle’s brigade of four Iowa
regiments, which held the Hornet’s Nest and the
Sunken Road in front of Duncan Field, 
sustained a total of 235 killed and wounded in the
battle - a number less than some individual
regiments sustained on other parts of the field.
If the Hornet’s Nest was not the central event in
the Battle of Shiloh, why then did it become so
important to historians? The answer is simple.
For years after the Civil War, veterans of the
Hornet’s Nest emphasized their role in the
battle, claiming that their sacrifice had provided
Grant with enough time to establish a last line
of defense. Division commander Brigadier
General Benjamin M. Prentiss wrote a widelycirculated 
report after the battle, which emphasized his role in
 the battle as well as that of his
troops. Even after the war, veterans still claimed
the defense of the Hornet’s Nest was the central
event of Shiloh. A veterans’ organization, the
“Hornet’s Nest Brigade,” even held annual

army, historians made it an American icon.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Civil War Hospitals


From Post Hospitals to General Hospitals
Before the Civil War, post hospitals cared for seriously sick and
wounded soldiers, while those with milder cases were simply confined
to their tents. This system proved adequate for meeting the medical
needs of small stationary units of armed forces. At the beginning of the
war, regimental hospitals served the needs of the assembling troops,
and division or brigade hospitals were created by combining regimental
facilities. The first new military hospitals of the war—the East Street
Infirmary and the Union Hotel—opened in Washington, D.C., in May
1861. Nearby private homes, adapted to create wards, service, and administrative areas, provided supplementary facilities. After Bull Run, in
July 1861, when it became clear that the war would be long and require
large scale movement of troops, the army had to develop a new system
quickly to receive the most seriously wounded cases sent from the field
hospitals or left behind when troops moved off to pursue the Confederate army. The first of many general hospitals opened in Alexandria, Virginia, followed by hospitals in Baltimore, at the U.S. Naval Academy at
Annapolis, and the grounds of the Agricultural Society of Frederick,
Maryland. In June 1861, the Christian Hospital in Philadelphia became
the most remote military establishment of the Union army.
As the war dragged on, the army expanded the number and locations
of military hospitals. According to the six-volume Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion, published serially by the Surgeon General between 1870 and 1888:
North of Philadelphia, there were but few extemporized hospitals.
Factory buildings were occupied in Newark, N.J. A three-story cabinet
factory contained most of the hospital beds in Elmira, N.Y. Contracts
were made at Rochester and Buffalo with the civil hospitals at 50 to
75 cents daily per bed. The Mason hospital in Boston, Mass. was a
private residence, given up rent-free by its owner.

The U.S. government set up a few military hospitals south of Washington.
In the western states, it created hospitals by converting or adapting
asylums, orphanages, factories, hotels, schools, and warehouses.
By the war’s end the army had created 192 general hospitals in its 16
military departments. Twenty-five hospitals were in the Department of
the East, including three in Vermont. The surgeon general’s report, so
rich in detail about the dimensions, capacity, treatment, and facilities at
these general hospitals, offers few dates, so it is difficult to confirm
Governor Holbrook’s claim for the priority of the Brattleboro General
Hospital. It is clear, however, that the context for establishing these remote
facilities was the growing realization that preexisting arrangements
were inadequate for treating the large number of men who came out of
battle wounded or physically and mentally broken down, as well as the
many who contracted debilitating and contagious illnesses in the military
camps themselves, where sanitary conditions were poor and diseases
spread rapidly. In fact, during the Civil War, death from disease accounted
for two-thirds of all military fatalities, while only one-third of the
deaths were directly attributed to battle wounds, overwhelmingly bullet
wounds. If a soldier survived the first few days following a battle injury,
he was threatened by a host of secondary potential killers—diseases
such as chronic diarrhea, typhoid, and malaria—if he had been lucky
enough to escape them in routine camp life. Thus, by the time Holbrook
and Phelps made their proposal to Lincoln and Stanton for remote hospitals, the need for additional facilities had become acute and the army
had already begun to accommodate that need.
Although Holbrook’s account claims that the Brattleboro mustering
grounds became the first remote general hospital, the Marine Hospital
in Burlington was already receiving sick and wounded from the war
seven months before the governor presented his proposal to Lincoln and
According to the report of the surgeon general of Vermont, the
hospital “was opened by the State of Vermont under the direction of
Governor Holbrook” on May 5, 1862, when it received its first patients,
and “transferred to and organized by the United States Government” on
July 1, 1862.
The physician in charge of the facility was Dr. S. W.
Thayer, surgeon general of Vermont.
Originally built between 1856 and 1858 with a congressional appropriation of $39,000—a political patronage reward for Judge David
Smalley, head of the Vermont Democratic Party—the Italianate-style
brick building with a spacious verandah sat two miles south of the village
of Burlington on ten acres of land off Shelburne Road. According to an
account in Abby Hemenway’s Vermont Historical Gazetteer, the building
commanded “a fine view of the lake and village. . . . It is 2 stories high,
with a basement; built very thoroughly, with ample and convenient
rooms for the use intended.”
A reporter from the Burlington Free Press
described it as “a substantial and expensive affair. The rooms are high177
and airy, furnished with marble mantels, with closets and bath rooms
attached to each ward on both floors, and every convenience in the way
of store rooms, cases of shelves and drawers, &c. for the safe and orderly keeping of the quantities of clothing and hospital supplies in constant demand. . . . The wounded are all within the Hospital building. A
few of the sick . . . are in a wooden portable house, and in the tents,
which are provided with floors and stoves, and are entirely comfortable.”
Renamed the General Hospital in April 1863 then Baxter General Hospital in September 1864, in honor of Vermont Congressman
U.S. General Hospital, Burlington. The photograph, from a stereoscopic view, shows the original building, known as the Marine Hospital. The building dimly visible to the right may be one of the hospital
wards built during the Civil War. Date unknown. Courtesy of Special
Collections, Bailey/Howe Library, University of Vermont.
Portus Baxter, the facility treated a total of 2,406 men before the U.S.
Army closed it in July 1865 and transferred its remaining patients to a
temporary post hospital elsewhere in Burlington or to Sloan General
Hospital in Montpelier.
Vermont’s third military hospital opened in Montpelier in June 1864.
Named in honor of W. J. Sloan, U.S. medical inspector for the Department of the East, the facility accommodated 500 patients, hospital staff,
and a company of Vermont Reserve Corps, who served as hospital
guards. On April 25, 1864, Governor Smith turned over the buildings
to the U.S. War Department and in mid-June the first 300 patients arrived.
The Architectural Design of Civil War Hospitals
Sloan General Hospital was a fully developed example of the pavilion
principle of hospital design, which employed many small, connected
buildings instead of a single massive structure. This approach to hospital
design and construction derived from the work of Florence Nightingale,
who exposed the poor conditions in British military hospitals during the
Crimean War (1853–1856) and became an internationally renowned advocate for improved sanitation and care in hospitals. Attributing poor
recovery rates of injured soldiers to “bad air”
and crowded conditions,
she recommended treating patients in smaller wards, with improved
ventilation. More windows would let in sunlight and air, provide light
for reading, and offer views for enhancing good morale. The pavilion
system proposed by Nightingale as an organizational principle for hospital construction and operation called for smaller treatment wards in
detached buildings with centrally located administrative and support
spaces. Pavilions could be arranged parallel to each other, or in line.
The U.S. military tested, refined, and revised the pavilion design as it
erected large new hospitals in rapid succession throughout the eastern
states. The hospital complexes functioned as discreet, self-contained
communities, providing for the physical and social needs of the hundreds of patients, medical personnel, and support staff who lived there.
Tents often supplemented the wooden buildings of a facility. The hospitals bore a resemblance to forts or prisons—often contained within a
high fence, although most typically of a picket type that only symbolically protected the complex from invasion or escape. Point Lookout
(1862) in Maryland combined a prison and a hospital. The hospital
there used the spoke-and-wheel plan, perhaps the first example of a design that would later be used at Montpelier.
The converted barracks buildings that became the wards at Smith
General Hospital in Brattleboro lacked sufficient windows for air and
light. Barracks were typically constructed directly on the ground, exposed
Birdseye view of Hamming General Hospital and U.S. Prison, Point Lookout, Maryland. Courtesy of the
National Library of Medicine, History of Medicine Division, Prints & Photographs Collection.
to damp and odors, termed by one observer as “unwholesome exhalation
from the confined soil beneath.”
By contrast, the pavilion-style hospitals
constructed by the U.S. Army consisted of one-story wards raised off the
ground, with clear-span interiors open to the roof ridge.
As the prescription for good air and lots of it became an essential part
of medical treatment, the army began improving ventilation in the
pavilion model. Florence Nightingale noted that a patient gave off three
pints of moisture in each twenty-four-hour period.
Contemporary accounts of hospital facilities measured quality in terms of the cubic feet
of fresh air available per patient bed. Early examples providing 500–
600 cubic feet of air space per bed proved inadequate and “unhealthy,”
and the goal moved toward 800, 1,000, and 1,200 cubic feet/bed. Using
these criteria the army designed wards with an abundance of windows
and placed two beds between adjacent windows so that each patient
was next to one. Ridge ventilators penetrated the roofs to draw air
through the wards. Some pavilion wards included shafts that in winter
could be opened periodically to funnel air under the floor to an opening
beneath a stove, where the air would be warmed as it entered the ward.
Schematic drawing of ventilation plan for U.S. general hospitals, from
U.S. army specifications. Medical and Surgical History of the War of
the Rebellion (1861–1865), Part III (1888), 945.181
Separating ward buildings also became a concern. Closely spaced
wards were thought to stifle good air circulation, and the distance between adjacent pavilions grew to forty feet and more. Similarly, wards
should be free of taller surrounding structures that could cut off
breezes. Topographic elevation became a desirable specification for
new hospital sites.
The army constructed its first ridge-vented hospital wards in Parkersburg, Virginia, with pavilions measuring 130 feet long by 25 feet wide
by 14 feet to the eaves. That general size became a standard dimension
for subsequent pavilion-style military hospitals, although length could
vary considerably. In southern hospitals, the ventilators ran continuously along the roof ridge and remained open or, when necessary, could
be covered by side shutters. This design proved impractical for colder
climates, where only sections of the ridge were vented. Sloan General
Hospital in Montpelier had only two small ridge vents per ward, which
like little barn cupolas, vented moisture and encouraged air circulation.
The U.S. Sanitary Commission, founded in June 1861 to advocate for
improved medical treatment of wounded and sick soldiers, promoted
use of the pavilion principle and urged the construction of new hospital
facilities. Two such hospitals in Washington, D.C., Judiciary Square
and Mount Pleasant, were ready for occupancy by April 1862. For administrative convenience, the pavilion wards at these sites, which measured 84 feet by 28 feet by 12 feet, were laid out on both sides of and
perpendicular to a central connecting corridor, staggered in alternating
fashion along its length to promote air circulation.
Critics were quick to point out two major flaws in the design as executed in these early experiments. By joining all the pavilions to a single
enclosed corridor, the hospital interior and the “atmosphere” within it
became one space, whereas the goal was to separate pavilions and
thereby control the spread of airborne diseases. The second error was
the placement of the water closets in the corridor, instead of at the free
end of the pavilions. Later hospitals avoided both problems.
At Baxter General Hospital in Burlington the army hastily constructed
a row of seven (or nine—reports differ on the number) parallel pavilions
to supplement the original brick building.
An open porch connected
the pavilions at the end nearest the complex of administrative offices,
kitchen, and dining facilities. Separated from each other by forty-eight
feet of open space, the new pavilions had six-over-six sash windows every
ten feet along their length and privies entirely detached from the wards.
Saterlee Hospital in Philadelphia opened a month after Baxter began
operation, and utilized parallel open corridors facing a central elongated courtyard. The pavilion wards joined the outside face of the corri-182
Birdseye view of Saterlee U.S. Army General Hospital, West Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Courtesy of the National
Library of Medicine, History of Medicine Division, Prints & Photographs Collection.183
dors. From that rectangular configuration, hospital layout progressed
first to an elongated ellipse, and finally to an oblong or circular corridor
with radiating pavilions. In December 1862, Mower Hospital in Chestnut Hill, Pennsylvania, opened with fifty wards arranged on an elliptical
plan. The Jefferson Hospital in Jeffersonville, Indiana, which opened in
September 1863, featured a 2,000-foot long enclosed corridor encircling a central open area 600 feet in diameter. Designers also experimented with the “en echelon” plan. At Lincoln Hospital in Washington,
D.C., the pavilions were arranged in the V-plan, with administrative
buildings sited at the apex. To increase the freedom of air flow, enclosed
corridors, which had become de facto dining halls and cut off air circulation at the ends of the pavilions, soon gave way to open, covered
By July 1864, the U.S. Army had refined hospital design to a series
of specifications for sites and buildings. Although finished just before
the army published its design pamphlet, Sloan General Hospital in
Montpelier represented a model of good hospital design. Vermont’s
Surgeon General, Samuel Thayer, Jr., selected the site, located about a
mile east of the State House on a plateau of land that served formerly as
a fairground. It possessed the desired qualities of altitude (650 feet
above sea level, or by local measure, 85 feet above the Winooski River),
access to fresh spring water, and access to the Central Vermont Railroad
(which was owned by Governor Smith), for convenient transportation
of wounded troops and supplies.
Built on the pavilion principle, with detached buildings for various
purposes, Sloan Hospital was arranged around an almost circular covered walkway. The wards, administrative offices, kitchen, and dining
halls were attached at one end to the walkway. Other buildings, located
outside the circle but within the fence marking the perimeter of the hospital grounds, included a chapel that could seat 300 to 400 people,
morgue, laundry, Reserves Corps barracks, ice house, and a large elevated water tank measuring 22 feet in diameter and 13 feet high.
Sloan’s 496 beds were distributed among twelve wards, in pavilion
buildings most of which were 108 feet long, 24 feet wide, and 12 feet
high—somewhat shorter in length and height than the army’s final published specifications of 187 feet by 24 feet by 14 feet. The dimensions
made practical sense for Vermont according to the Vermont surgeon
general, who, referring to a similar practice in the construction of wards
at Baxter Hospital, noted that in the local market, lumber mills cut
boards in twelve-foot lengths.
A twelve-foot height used one board,
and a length of 108 feet required 9 boards. Each ward had approximately forty beds arranged in two rows along the walls of the pavilion.184
Birdseye view of Mower U.S. Army General Hospital, Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia (1865). Courtesy of the National
Library of Medicine, History of Medicine Division, Prints & Photographs Collection.185
Air space per bed measured 1,000 cubic feet. Pavilions stood elevated
above grade, insulated with “double-floors” as a concession to Vermont’s cold climate. A wardmaster’s room and lavatory room were partitioned off at the free ends. Privies located behind each ward emptied
into a wooden sewer pipe.
The two-story administration building, officers’ quarters, and laundry
also housed in the upper floors the staff who worked below. Although
the Army specification for laundry buildings called for a flat roof with
clotheslines, at Montpelier builders used the snow-shedding gable roof
design. The morgue or “dead house” stood behind the chapel, out of
sight of the wards.
Clapboards sheathed the exteriors of the buildings. Inside the walls
were plastered and painted white. Store receipts from the time indicate
that the hospital used large quantities of brown pigment, either as
brown paint or mixed with white pigment to make tan.
sash windows were used throughout, except for some Gothic, pointed
arch windows in the chapel. The eaves were simply detailed, without
the cornice returns typical of Greek Revival design of the period.
Birdseye view of Lincoln U.S. Army General Hospital, Washington,
D.C. Courtesy of the National Library of Medicine, History of Medicine
Division, Prints & Photographs Collection.186
Photograph of Sloan U.S. General Hospital, Montpelier. No date [1864–1865?]. The view is from the south looking
north. From Henry Janes, Medical Notebook, p. 367. Special Collections, Bailey/Howe Library, University of Vermont.
Courtesy of Special Collections, Bailey/Howe Library, University of Vermont. 187
The architectural plans for Sloan General Hospital, from the National Archives and
Records Administration, Washington, D.C. The spoke-and-wheel design of Sloan Hospital was
connected at the hub by a continuous porch. Wards and other service and administrative buildings radiated out
from the porch. Some buildings were freestanding, outside the circle, but within the picket fence that snaked across
the landscape. To compare the photograph and plans note the hospital’s ice house (SW corner—lower left), octagonal water tank (center of the south fence), laundry building (SE corner—lower right); the large chapel on the upper right (NE), and a small house and barn on the upper left (NW corner, still standing on what is now East State
Street). The photograph reveals which structures rose to two stories. Beyond the hospital, Upper Main Street heads
out of town toward Towne Hill Road. The hospital occupied the former fair grounds, where the Vermont College
green is today.188
Operation and Daily Life in the Hospitals
For most of its term of operation Sloan General Hospital was commanded by Waterbury physician Henry Janes, who already had three
years experience with wartime medical practice when he took over as
surgeon-in-charge on October 15, 1864. Janes enlisted in 1861 as surgeon of the Vermont Third Regiment, supervised the operation of the
military hospital at Frederick, Maryland, following the battle at Antietam, and was in charge of the medical corps treating the wounded at
Gettysburg, where he reformed battlefield medicine by convincing the
250 surgeons under his command to reduce the number of amputations.
A major in the army when he took command of Sloan General
Hospital, Janes brought to his new post a commitment to rehabilitating
wounded soldiers. He followed personally the progress of many of the
gunshot patients and, like some other surgeons, used the new technology of photography to record wounds and treatment. Janes commanded
Hospital photograph
(2½" [1] 4") of Lyman
Hulett of Shaftsbury, Vt.,
Co. A, 2nd Vermont
Regiment. 189
On the reverse of the photograph shown at the left is a full medical
report of Hulett’s wound, treatment, and partial recovery.190
the Montpelier hospital until its decommissioning in December 1865,
then returned to private practice in Waterbury and kept most of his Civil
War papers, which provide detailed information about the day-to-day
operations of Sloan General Hospital.
Like every other general hospital, those in Vermont operated under
military rules and regulations. Each hospital was run by a surgeon-incharge, who had full military command over the persons and property
connected with the hospital. The Vermont surgeons-in-charge were assisted by executive officers, who did some of the administrative work,
including the routine but burdensome tasks of compiling and filing a
myriad of bureaucratic forms: daily and weekly reports to the medical
director of the Department of the East; monthly reports to the surgeon
general and adjutant general of the United States; bimonthly muster and
payroll reports to the adjutant general and paymaster; quarterly reports
of property purchased with hospital funds and annual inventories of
medicine and hospital stores to the surgeon general of the United
States; and inventories of camp and garrison equipment to the quartermaster general of the U.S. Army.
The surgeon-in-charge also had responsibility for keeping records of
admissions; alphabetical registers and registers by state of sick and
wounded; records of casualties, deaths, discharges, transfers, and relations with local government officials; accounts of hospital fund property;
and miscellaneous correspondence. Most important, but perhaps often
buried under the bureaucratic requirements of the job, the surgeon-incharge established some medical practices and policies at his hospital.
A corps of ward physicians served under the surgeon-in-charge, in
theory one doctor for every seventy-five patients at the hospital. At the
beginning of 1865, when Sloan General Hospital had 399 patients, it
was staffed by a total of five medical officers, including Dr. Janes. The
ward physicians provided medical and surgical treatment of the patients
in their ward and had general responsibility for its condition. Each ward
physician also served in turn a twenty-four-hour rotation as medical of-
ficer of the day. In addition to his regular duties, the medical officer of
the day toured all the wards, inspected the hospital kitchens, enforced
lights out, supervised guard duty and discipline, submitted a daily report
on the condition of the hospital, and had authority to act in emergencies. The ward physicians were assisted by the wardmaster, who supervised the nursing staff, oversaw the physical condition and supplies of
the ward, and supervised the medical cadets, young men (frequently
medical students) who served as clerks and wound dressers.
The non-medical staff of the hospital was led by a group of three or
four hospital stewards, who ran the dispensary and had charge of the191
hospital’s medical property, served as quartermaster for the installation,
and coordinated the subsistence for patients and staff. The hospital
stewards handled significant amounts of money and large quantities of
physical resources. It is not too surprising, therefore, to find an example
of peculation and abuse of power among these officers. Early in 1865
Dr. Janes received several letters charging Hospital Steward Lt. G. A.
Lee with abuse of power, including allowing his family to send their
clothes to be washed at the hospital while forbidding other stewards
from doing the same, diverting to his family articles of clothing given to
the hospital for patients (even altering some shirts to fit one of Lee’s
young children), diverting food from the hospital storerooms for his
and his family’s personal use, and selling for his own profit 270 barrels
of swill and grease from the hospital kitchens. An investigation revealed more offenses and on February 13, 1865, charges were brought
against Lt. Lee for misappropriation of government property, getting
drunk on stimulants taken from the hospital dispensary, appropriating
clothing for his family, destroying accounts of hospital funds, and neglect of duty.
Other nonmedical personnel at the hospitals included a chaplain;
male and female nurses—in January 1865 there were twenty-four male
nurses at Sloan General Hospital, the records show no female nurses—
cooks, bakers, and kitchen assistants; laundry workers; a blacksmith,
carpenter, painter, and shop and stable hands; attendants in the knapsack house (which held the patients’ personal property), dispensary,
quartermaster’s and hospital store rooms; workers in the dead house;
and clerks for various administrative duties. A large hospital could have
a staff of up to 200 employees, although the Janes papers do not suggest
that Sloan General Hospital had so large a staff. Civilians, whom the
army considered unreliable, subject to military draft, and likely to make
a sudden departure, held few if any of these positions.
Each hospital received medicines, equipment, and standard rations
through army contracts, but also maintained a hospital fund for special
purchases, most often additional food. Some hospitals supplemented
their rations with produce from their own gardens. The hospitals were
also allowed to set up a fund derived from the sale of nonconsumable
and waste items such as paper and barrels of grease and swill like those
Lieutenant Lee sold on the side. The surgeon-in-charge exercised discretionary use of this fund.
In his discussion with Lincoln and Stanton about the hospitals, Governor Holbrook accurately assessed their virtues and risks. He argued
that soldiers sick with malaria, swamp fever, and a variety of illnesses
bred by close and unsanitary conditions in the camps and field hospitals192
would recover better and sooner if removed to a healthier climate. Hospital records at the National Archives show that of the 8,574 patients
admitted to the Vermont hospitals (including Burlington’s post hospital)
from May 1862 to December 1865, only 175 died while under treatment. About 66 percent returned to duty. This compared quite favorably
with the 25 percent rate of return to duty from the Washington, D.C.,
and Philadelphia hospitals.
The majority of patients sent north for
treatment were diagnosed upon admission with dysentery (“chronic diarrhea” in the record books), high fever, or one of several diseases associated with overcrowding and poor sanitation. Aside from altitude,
fresh water, and less crowding, little could be done to cure the effects of
dysentery, and hospital records for Brattleboro and Burlington show far
more deaths from this than from any other cause.
Following the Wilderness campaign in May 1864, the hospitals received many patients suffering from “general debility”—battle fatigue
and nervous breakdowns. Sloan General Hospital opened just in time to
receive casualties from Cold Harbor (May 23–June 12, 1864), and here
for the first time a far greater number of patients arrived with gunshot
wounds than those suffering from illness or disease. Following the Battle
of Cedar Creek on October 19, 1864, the admissions records in Brattleboro also show a higher proportion of gunshot wounds. In almost all
these cases, however, the wounds were not critical and usually not fatal.
Clearly, battlefield hospital surgeons had adopted a system of “triage”
and sent north those with illness, disease, and gunshot wounds to their
hands and feet—in other words, those whose prospects for recovery
were highest. Surgeons’ reports for the hospitals also show a higher
proportion of “excisions” than amputations and consequently a high
survival rate among patients admitted for gunshot wounds. Physicians
and the all-important state agents, who roamed the wards of field hospitals and the general hospitals closest to the front looking for patients
from their state, resolved Lincoln’s and Stanton’s concerns about the
feasibility of moving wounded soldiers by moving mostly those who
could bear the trip.
Roger Hovey of Worcester, a corporal in Company A of the Vermont
Eighth Regiment, is a case in point. Wounded in the left shoulder by a
minié ball early in the battle of Winchester, Virginia, on September 19,
1864, he was transported by baggage wagon to Harpers Ferry—a
fifteen-hour trip over poor roads—then transferred to Baltimore, and
sent on to Saterlee Hospital in West Philadelphia, where he arrived on
September 25. In a letter to his sister, Martha, Hovey initially described
his wound as “slight as no bones were broken and my arm is not stiff”;
but it healed slowly.
In mid-October the army judged him fit to make193
the four-day trip to the General Hospital in Brattleboro, where he
stayed—despite his repeated requests for a transfer to Sloan General
Hospital—from October 21 until January 7, 1865.
Lincoln and Stanton also worried about desertion. Hospital records
show that there was some cause for concern, but that it was not a serious problem. Of the 8,574 patients admitted, 481 were recorded as
having deserted—slightly over 5 percent. Emendations to the hospital
records show that many of the charges of desertion were later dropped.
These figures can be interpreted in several ways. A substantial number
of the patients arrived in Vermont on their way to hospitals in their
home states of New Hampshire, Maine, Massachusetts, and upstate
New York. Facing an uncertain future, they may have taken the opportunity to visit their families before being officially transferred, discharged from the hospital, or sent back into combat. Some, healthy
enough to be mobile but restless, lonely, close to home, and denied furloughs by nervous army doctors who feared the very behavior they provoked, left the hospitals without leave or passes, then returned. Some, it
appears, deserted and reenlisted to obtain a second bounty payment
from the government or from a town eager to fill its quota. And some
doubtless did desert. These men had suffered through some of the fiercest fighting of the war. The prospect of recovering only to be thrust
back into battle constituted a severe test of patriotism and nerve.
Moreover, life in the hospital was neither luxurious nor always restful
and conducive to recovery. Hovey wrote of loneliness and boredom, constantly beseeching his sister for letters. In Brattleboro, he complained of
Dr. Phelps’s refusal to grant furloughs, writing to Martha, “I believe it is
more than meat and drink to that man to torment, aggravate, and abuse
the soldiers under his charge.”
In December 1864, Hovey wrote that
several men had complained by letter to Governor Smith, who sent Lieutenant Governor Paul Dillingham to inspect the hospital. “Since then we
have lived much better,” he noted, but added that Dr. Phelps took his revenge by denying requests for transfers to Sloan General Hospital in
Frustrated in his efforts to obtain a transfer to Sloan, Hovey
eventually wrote to President Lincoln for a transfer for himself and a
comrade. Surprisingly, Lincoln replied with an order to Phelps either to
discharge the two soldiers or transfer them. A furious Phelps confronted
Hovey, threatened to send him back into active duty, but finally agreed to
transfer him to Sloan. Phelps failed to take action before the army transferred him from Brattleboro, but Hovey eventually obtained his transfer
to Sloan, where he could be close to his family and sweetheart.
Late in his stay at Sloan, Hovey reported that Surgeon-in-Charge
Janes arranged to have classes in bookkeeping, grammar, arithmetic,194
writing, and “declamation” offered to the patients.
Whether this program was unique to Sloan Hospital is uncertain. Possibly Janes initiated
it to relieve his patients’ boredom and thereby forestall potential discipline problems. Possibly, too, he understood and acknowledged that
these men from farms and rural areas, disabled by their wounds, would
need new skills in order to find new employment when they left the
hospital or when the war ended.
Another patient at Sloan General Hospital, Norman William Johnson
of East Montpelier (Company F, Second Vermont Regiment), kept a
diary of his recovery from wounds to the right side and wrist received at
Spotsylvania on May 12, 1864.
Struck down in the morning, he arrived at the field hospital by 4:00 P.M. The next day he was moved to
Lincoln Hospital in Washington, D.C. On May 29 he wrote, “the Vermont State Agent came through to transfer us to Burlington.” Johnson
left Washington by train on June 2, arrived in Philadelphia at daybreak,
June 3, in time for breakfast, and reached New York City at 9:00 P.M. At
midnight the train pulled out, headed for New Haven, Connecticut,
where it arrived at 7:00  A.M. on June 4. Three hours later Johnson
boarded another train headed north, arrived at Brattleboro at 10:00
A.M., June 5, and was admitted to the general hospital. He recorded on
June 8: “Had a comfortable night. Very cold. Seventy new cases came
in last night.” On June 12 he recorded having his wounds burned with
caustic to prevent gangrene. “There is a caravan and exhibits near here.
I did not go up.” A week later Johnson’s wife visited him and he obtained an overnight pass. His wife stayed in Brattleboro through June
20 and he received day and evening passes into town to be with her. On
July 2 Johnson got a furlough to return to East Montpelier for fortyeight days. Back in the Brattleboro hospital on August 18 he wrote that
breakfast consisted of beans, bread, applesauce, and hash. On August
22, Johnson noted the arrival of 114 new patients. Later that week, the
process began for transferring him to Sloan General Hospital, where he
arrived on September 10. Almost immediately he received a four-day
pass to be with his family again in East Montpelier. On September 26
he participated in a lottery for clothes and equipment, probably donated
by the Christian or Sanitary Commission. He “drawed two pairs of
drawers and one haversack.”
Johnson’s entry for September 30 shows us that discipline and security
at the hospital were ongoing issues. “Five men picked up downtown, three
of them put to bed and clothes taken away. No passes given today.” Security remained a persistent problem at all the hospitals. Janes complained
upon his arrival at Sloan General Hospital that “The grounds are open on
all sides, and consequently, I can neither keep soldiers in nor civilians out195
of the Hospital. I find vendors of pies and peddlers of various sorts circulating about to the detriment of the sick and the injury of the others.”
quickly erected a fence around the hospital grounds, and was allocated a
contingent of Veterans Reserve Corps troops to serve as guards.
Late in his stay in the military hospitals, now back in Brattleboro,
Johnson himself was assigned to guard duty, one way the army used recovering patients, thereby releasing more able-bodied men for active
duty on the front, where they were desperately needed.
The experiences of Hovey and Johnson show that hospital administrators used furloughs to alleviate overcrowding and as rewards, and
withheld them as punishments. They may also have used them in hopeless cases, so that men could die at home with their families. At least
twenty men died on furlough, according to hospital records. One of
them was Private John Piper of Company K, Tenth Vermont Regiment.
Admitted to the Baxter General Hospital at Burlington on February 13,
1864, at the age of forty-two, he received a furlough on March 14 and
died at home on April 16. Under “remarks” in the hospital register, the
clerk wrote, “He left this vain world without a fear[,] without a struggle
or a tear to mingle with the dead, His relatives so well pleased that they
did not notify the hospital of his death until May 27, 1864.”
others who died on furlough the clerks noted more laconically the receipt of death certificates, and for those who died in the hospital, they
noted the cause, date of death, and when the family of the deceased
claimed his body or possessions.
After the War: New Uses for Discarded Buildings
Within a year of the end of the war all three military hospitals shut
down. Brattleboro Hospital was first to close. The Agricultural Society
of Brattleboro purchased the buildings at a public auction on January
24, 1866, for $3,200, which according to the Free Press was “within a
few hundred dollars of the estimated value of the material.”
The society also bought the land at a separate auction. The buildings were eventually razed and the site is now occupied by the Brattleboro high
school. On July 17, 1866, the government sold the Burlington hospital
buildings for $7,000 to the Home for Destitute Children. Eventually
those buildings, too, were razed to make room for a shopping mall on
Shelburne Road.
Sloan General Hospital, the last of the Vermont military hospitals to close its doors, ceased operation on December 12,
1865, by which time it had treated 1,670 patients.
On August 7, 1866, with approval from the Vermont legislature, the
state sold the Sloan Hospital grounds and buildings for $15,500 to the
Vermont Conference Seminary and Female College, which was relocat-196
ing from Norwich, where it had been known as the Newbury Seminary.
The seminary, later known as the Montpelier Methodist Seminary and
Female College and eventually as Vermont College, moved and reused
many of the former hospital buildings for dormitories, faculty housing,
recitation rooms, and society rooms. The core of the old hospital
grounds became the campus green.
College Hall, the heart of the Vermont College campus today, was constructed on the green in 1872. The
seminary continued to use the hospital chapel at its original location,
which in the original plan of the complex was set back from the circle
of other hospital buildings, but in the new campus plan was sited opposite the northeast corner of the green. It was torn down to make way for
Alumni Hall, a gymnasium constructed in 1936. The hospital water
tank also continued in use into the early twentieth century.
The seminary moved several ward buildings, setting them above new
first stories to create a large 2½-story main dormitory facing the east
side of the green. The front was apparently made from one of the
longer, twelve-bay wards; two ells, extending to the rear, were adapted
from nine-bay wards. A one-story middle ell completed an “E” formaBirdseye view of Montpelier, Vermont, 1884, showing the area of the
Vermont Methodist Conference Seminary and Female College—formerly
the location of Sloan U.S. General Hospital. The view shows the hospital chapel in place across from the northeast corner of the college
green, and the E-shaped main dormitory complex, made from former
ward buildings, on the east side of Seminary Avenue.197
Main dormitory complex, Vermont Seminary, Montpelier. Stereoscopic
view by C. H. Freeman, Montpelier, Vt., no date.
tion and was used as the kitchen and dining hall for the complex. The
main dormitory was taken down to make way for new residence halls in
the 1950s.
Many of the other original hospital buildings remain, however. Most
of the wards were cut into shorter lengths, usually thirds, removed to
nearby lots, and sold for houses. Deed restrictions promoted what the
seminary hoped would be “a good opportunity to establish a community, noted for morality, refinement and religion in close proximity to
[the] Seminary.”
Many of the deeds for these “hospital houses” direct
that “no intoxicating liquors shall ever be sold on said premises, and
that no business or amusements shall ever be carried on or permitted on
said premises that are contrary, or which shall be contrary, to good
morals, or that are injurious to the community.”
The deeds claim that a
property shall revert to the grantor if the conditions are ever violated.
The “hospital houses” are recognizable by their 1½ story height,198
open eaves without cornice returns, high kneewall between the tops of
the windows and the eaves, six-over-six sash windows, and characteristic peaked window lintel trim. On their long eaves side, the buildings
are generally three bays wide, with a central door substituted for what
was formerly a middle window. The gable ends may display the original central door typical of the ward sections closest to the circular walkway. If the house came from the rear section of a ward, it may retain all
the windows or a side door from the original building together with one
new gable-end wall. Houses created out of the middle section of a ward
have two new gable ends.
Some of the other hospital buildings also became houses. In all, fifteen reported “hospital houses” still exist today in the vicinity of the
Vermont College green and more may be identified.
They represent a
unique legacy of Civil War history.
The proliferation of military hospitals throughout the nation during
the war served many purposes. Not least of these was alleviating the
overcrowded conditions at hospitals in and around Washington, D.C.
More significant was promoting a high rate of recovery among soldiers
who were sick or wounded but not maimed or permanently disabled by
their injuries. As the war dragged on and recruitment of new soldiers
A private home on Emmons Street in Montpelier, near the former site of
Sloan General Hospital. This house is one of several in the College
Street area that display characteristics of former hospital buildings.199
became increasingly difficult and encountered increasing resistance and
resentment, the successful treatment and return to active duty of some
of the military force became increasingly important. It is clear that
Governor Holbrook’s “experiment” helped launch significant changes
in the U.S. Army’s planning and use of medical facilities. In contrast
with medical practices in the field that with rare exceptions remained
primitive, dangerous, and largely ineffective throughout the war, the
rapid development of the design and operation of the army general hospitals contributed significantly to their success in treating patients.
What Lincoln and Stanton originally dismissed as an inexpedient, impracticable, and “unmilitary innovation” doubtless helped them win the
war and doubtless saved the lives of many New England soldiers.