Monday, December 10, 2012


The American Civil War Years. The Civil War years were the most turbulent years in American history, as our very existence as a nation was in jeopardy. The United States was rife with conflict and controversy in the years leading to the Civil War. The American Civil War, which raged from 1861 until 1865, was the United States' defining event. The Civil War began 150 years ago. The Civil War—a war in which Americans ... years of fighting, hundreds of thousands of Americans were killed in battle.


I. Popular Sovereignty and the Mexican Cession
A. Intense debate over what to do with the Mexican Cession.
B. "Popular Sovereignty"
        1. Lewis Cass, 1812 War vet, became Democratic candidate for president in 1848
II. Election of 1848
III. California statehood
IV. Sectional balance in 1850
V. Underground Railroad and the Fugitive Slave issue
VI. Compromise of 1850
VII. Election of 1852
VIII. Expansionism under President Pierce
IX. Gadsden Purchase (1853)
X. The Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854)
XI. Antislavery literature
XII. "Bleeding Kansas"
XIII. Election of 1856
XIV. The Dred Scott Decision (March 6, 1857)
XV. Financial Crash of 1857
XVI. Lincoln-Douglas Debates (1858) – Senate seat in Illinois
XVII. John Brown attacks Harper’s Ferry
XVIII. Nominating conventions of 1860
XIX. Presidential election of 1860
XX. Southern states secede from the Union
XXI. Crittenden amendments -- final attempt at compromise



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